I'm SO tired all the time. Please help me narrow down the problem.

trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
edited July 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Before I get into the problem, let me give you my current status:

I'm a 46 yr old male, 208.4 lbs, 6' 1.5". My BF% is 24-25.

I want to get down to 180 lbs. More importantly, I want my BF% down so I lose my belly fat. I'd also like to have some muscles and have a decent toned build, if not a little more than that.

For the last three months I've been doing strength training at the gym. I started from a beginner, and I've been upping the amount I can lift pretty decently the last 2 months, but this most recent months I'm starting to stall out. I'm just not able to get past a certain lifting weight.

I'd like to say it's because I'm eating at a deficit, but after the first month I just started screwing up my diet and eating whatever. I WAS eating about 180g of protein a day, tried to have less than 100g of carbs, and the rest was fat. Calories were at 1800. Keep in mind, I'm VERY sedentary besides the lifting and occasional walk. Besides that I'm sitting at work or sitting at home.

I've been cycling from binging to trying to eat right to binging again. I've only had 1-2 good solid days of counting calories and staying on my macros in the last month or so.

I have not been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, I'm not sleeping enough (averaging 5-6 hours a night), and not drinking enough water. The last two nights I've finally gotten at least 7.5 hours, but it will probably take another week of good sleep to catch up maybe?

So for the last 3 weeks or so I've just been exhausted. It's been especially bad since I've noticed I'm not making any advancements on how much weight I can lift.

I've also been getting headaches a lot. At least once a week, if not twice.

Feeling this tired, and with the headaches, I just want to eat whatever when I get home. I can do great for breakfast and lunch, but when I get home I'm exhausted and just eat horribly. I'm too tired to bother keeping track of anything.

I'm trying to get back on track and start doing this:

1,850 calories per day.
140-180g protein
130-150g carbs
8 hours of sleep a night
No more sugar
Get enough water
Go crazy with fruits and vegetables

Any advice? Should I just focus on. no sugar and more sleep first, or give it the old college try and get everything right? It's just really tough being so exhausted.

Also, should I screw the deficit and go maintenance?

Thanks for ANY feedback!


I should have also added that I've seen doctor. They could find anything in my blood work. He suggested exercise and eating right, which I've been trying to do.


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited July 2018
    No one here can give you medical advice. Get your blood sugar checked and sorted out.
  • GoodLardy
    GoodLardy Posts: 163 Member
    I’d see a doctor, tell them everything you’ve said, and ask if you could have sleep apnea.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Headaches could be down to not drinking enough water, you can tell from your urine how hydrated you are if it's darker than pale yellow, then that could be your issue, not sleeping properly or for long enough is also going to have an impact on your energy levels and consequently your evening cravings/lack of caring.

    Probably worth getting checked out at the docs as well if this has been an ongoing issue, to rule out a deficiency of some sort or underlying health problem.
  • mjrc2
    mjrc2 Posts: 121 Member
    I'd see a doctor
    Mari22na wrote: »
    No one here can give you medical advice. Get your blood sugar checked and sorted out.

    Seriously, see a doctor. Make sure nothing is wrong with you. Also quitting sugar could easily make you feel worse, I know when I quit sugar I felt like crap for quite a while. I would just try and be as healthy as possible and see a doctor asap, then go from there.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Mari22na wrote: »
    No one here can give you medical advice. Get your blood sugar checked and sorted out.

    I should have also added that I've seen doctor. They could find anything in my blood work. He suggested exercise and eating right, which I've been trying to do.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Headaches could be down to not drinking enough water, you can tell from your urine how hydrated you are if it's darker than pale yellow, then that could be your issue, not sleeping properly or for long enough is also going to have an impact on your energy levels and consequently your evening cravings/lack of caring.

    Probably worth getting checked out at the docs as well if this has been an ongoing issue, to rule out a deficiency of some sort or underlying health problem.

    My urine is usually pale lately, so I think I've been good on the water.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited July 2018
    Headaches could be down to not drinking enough water, you can tell from your urine how hydrated you are if it's darker than pale yellow, then that could be your issue, not sleeping properly or for long enough is also going to have an impact on your energy levels and consequently your evening cravings/lack of caring.

    Probably worth getting checked out at the docs as well if this has been an ongoing issue, to rule out a deficiency of some sort or underlying health problem.

    My urine is usually pale lately, so I think I've been good on the water.

    In which case definitely go get yourself checked out again at the docs.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    You've only been lifting a short period of time, this doesn't mean progress is always upping the weight every week. Can be more reps, more sets ect. It's not a weekly/ monthly thing eventually you take longer and longer to progress (IMO or in my experience)

    From the sounds of it you're exhausted because you're lacking recovery (sleep). Get more sleep and you'll feel better, you'll also allow your body to recover from the work it's doing which would allow for more progress in the gym.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Mari22na wrote: »
    No one here can give you medical advice. Get your blood sugar checked and sorted out.

    I should have also added that I've seen doctor. They could find anything in my blood work. He suggested exercise and eating right, which I've been trying to do.

    Can I ask if they tested both your iron and ferritin? If they were trying to rule out anemia or high iron (the symptoms are basically the same) they need to have tested both.

    Yes, they tested those as well.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    You've only been lifting a short period of time, this doesn't mean progress is always upping the weight every week. Can be more reps, more sets ect. It's not a weekly/ monthly thing eventually you take longer and longer to progress (IMO or in my experience)

    I never thought of it that way. I was so spoiled by my initial gains that I kept expecting it :)

    I really think sleep is one of the major issues, after the feedback I've been getting.
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    I honestly don't know about you personally, but I can say that I get headaches when I'm sleep deprived. They don't go away until I get at least 7 hours of sleep. My workouts and recovery suffer when I don't get enough sleep. When I'm eating at a deficit and also trying to be consistent with my workouts, I absolutely have to be getting enough sleep to have the energy to function. I would say work on your sleep issues, try melatonin, force yourself to go to bed earlier and turn off the electronics, etc. if you doctor has cleared you of everything else.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Try only working on that then - get 8 hours of sleep and leave the rest alone for a while.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    You've only been lifting a short period of time, this doesn't mean progress is always upping the weight every week. Can be more reps, more sets ect. It's not a weekly/ monthly thing eventually you take longer and longer to progress (IMO or in my experience)

    I never thought of it that way. I was so spoiled by my initial gains that I kept expecting it :)

    I really think sleep is one of the major issues, after the feedback I've been getting.

    It is ;) that's when your body repairs it's self/ the purpose of sleep.

    You'll have newbie gains for a year or 2 honestly, after that it really slows down but you look better and better ;) depending on your effort/sleep/food (IMO)

    Also I'd adjust 1 thing at a time, that way you're aware of what exactly works for you. Doing a college is kind of difficult to tell. Like deciding to take 10 different supplements all at once .. all for the first time.. how would you know which ones work and which are a waste of money? if you got sick how would you know which one got you sick. - just my opinion/ advice from my personal experience.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Yeah, I'm starting to feel kinda stupid for even posting this. I guess sleep was the obvious problem.


    I'll primarily focus on sleep, and once I'm feeling better start to tick off the other boxes (calories, protein, etc...) although I think I'll also focus on upping my fruits and veggies and other healthy foods.

    Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback.

    Sometimes you need another perspective to see the obvious.

    Sounds like your plan going forward is a good one.